oox service mess

Noel Power nopower at suse.com
Fri May 31 02:43:55 PDT 2013

On 31/05/13 08:16, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
> On 05/30/2013 07:20 PM, Kohei Yoshida wrote:
> Besides the com.sun.star.sheet.FilterFormulaParser UNOIDL (new-style 
> marker, i.e., no ctor) service declaration there is indeed also a 
> com.sun.star.sheet.FormulaParser UNOIDL old-style service declaration, 
> It appears to be a service that is not available at the global service 
> manager, but rather something that can be obtained from some 
> Calc-local manager (ScServiceProvider::MakeInstance handing out 
> ScFormulaParserObj instances under the 
> "com.sun.star.sheet.FormulaParser" key)

like I mentioned I begin to also feel uneasy that we are missing 
something here ( especially regarding ScParserFactoryMap)

would appear to suggest that service(s) ( perhaps the oox one ) should 
in fact be avaialble. I am not sure about what scerario should trigger 
this my formula knowledge is poor. What namespaces should map instances 
of which services? I think I still have an old 3.5 tree hanging about, I 
will try to check what at least that ScFormulaParserPool used contain


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