build error

Andreas Radke a.radke at arcor.de
Fri Nov 8 12:25:06 PST 2013

I'm getting this error with alpha1 build:

File tested,Execution Time (ms)
Test name: test1Table1Page::Import
equality assertion failed
- Expected: 1
- Actual  : 2

Test name: test1Table1Page::Import_Export_Import
equality assertion failed
- Expected: 1
- Actual  : 2

Failures !!!
Run: 162   Failure total: 2   Failures: 2   Errors: 0

Error: a unit test failed, please do one of:

export DEBUGCPPUNIT=TRUE            # for exception catching
export CPPUNITTRACE="gdb --args" # for interactive debugging on linux
export CPPUNITTRACE=""[full path to devenv.exe]" /debugexe" # for interactive debugging in Visual Studio
export VALGRIND=memcheck            # for memory checking

and retry using: make CppunitTest_sw_ooxmlexport

/build/libreoffice/src/libreoffice- recipe for target '/build/libreoffice/src/libreoffice-' failed
make[1]: *** [/build/libreoffice/src/libreoffice-] Error 1
Makefile:238: recipe for target 'build' failed
make: *** [build] Error 2

Could some system lib cause this or is it a known issue?


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