UOF v2.0, the PRC national XML standard for Chinese Office documents--what to do with it in LibreOffice?

Charles-H. Schulz charles.schulz at documentfoundation.org
Wed Nov 12 06:46:15 PST 2014

Stuart, all,

Le 12.11.2014 15:25, V Stuart Foote a écrit :
> jonathon-4 wrote
>> What happened to the Chinese language team?
>> zh.libreoffice.org is in English, even though that is not on the
> There is a pretty vibrant Chinese user community here:
> http://www.libreofficechina.org/forum.php
> And the truth is, it is not that difficult to gist most document and 
> posting
> content using Google Translate MT services as coming from ZhongZi to 
> English
> is usually very high quality--exactly what is needed to identify the 
> mixed
> code (UTF-8, or GB  encoding) that UOF seems to use.
> PinYin to English presents challenges, and like most westerners I am
> illiterate with ZhongZi in that my Chinese skills are limited to 
> PinYin.
> But as I'd mentioned, I've not been able to locate a specification for 
> the
> UOF v2.0 "standard" to start to  review.

UOF has always looked like an oddball to me. A good idea, but an 
oddball. You will not find UOF specs as such anywhere. But you will find 
the "mark-up language" spec leading to the format specification at the 
OASIS, provided there is no other repository that is more active than 
this one in China: 
It is called UOML-X.

As you can see, this is the continuation of an older TC called "UOML 
TC", that was not very active either. The whole point of UOML (and UOF) 
is to "wrap" entire document files (OOXML, ODF, PDF...) into a new 
format with a mark-up language describing the various possible 
operations on these documents. My point however, is not to criticize the 
quality of the standard itself - I just think it either fully works as 
it claims it does or it has completely failed a long time ago.

Now, the UOF standard does exist as such and has enjoyed Chinese's 
governmental support. I'm not so sure whether it has any actual traction 
inside China and I have never even seen an UOF file, ever. I note it was 
started sometime in 2007, and had a few revisions until 2009. After 
that, nothing.
The best solution was already suggested earlier: do you think you could 
check with Ubuntu Kylin about this? Is UOF popular? Is it even used?

If it is, the next step is to attract chinese contributors, possibly 
under the www.documentliberation.org umbrella. But until there is such 
an interest, it is unlikely that TDF and the devs here will pay much 

Hope this helps,


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