examples to manage docs using LibreOffice as a major component

nicholas ferguson nicholasferguson at wingarch.com
Tue Sep 30 10:43:50 PDT 2014

On Tue, 2014-09-30 at 09:31 -0400, nicholas ferguson wrote:
> On Tue, 2014-09-30 at 09:02 -0400, nicholas ferguson wrote:
>  My question... How do I transform these  unit test files into a console app, where for example
> filters_test.cxx would have a point of entry, a main function.  Has someone done this?  Can they send me a sample or instructions.

>> you will need to solve a truck-load of bootstrapping issues - 
[nicholas ferguson] 
Wow.  So in the past seven years, not a single successful attempt at transforming a unit test.. and spinning it off into a separate executable...a unit test like filters_test.cxx

Hard to believe....  These unit tests have so much functionality exposed... some hacker would seem to be naturally attracted to transform them into an independent executable.


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