build process stopped athsqldb_empty.odb

Michael Stahl mstahl at
Mon Jan 5 05:52:29 PST 2015

On 26.12.2014 04:57, aron wrote:
> My configure is 
> --with-visual-studio=2012
> --with-ant-home=/cygdrive/c/ant
> --without-junit
> --disable-directx
> --disable-atl
> --disable-activex
> --with-external-tar=/cygdrive/d/lo/lo-external
> --with-build-version="2014-12-26"
> --enable-pch
> --enable-symbols
> --with-windows-sdk=7.1A
> Could anyone help me?
> Best regards
> 2014-12-25 14:05 GMT+09:00 aron <aronsoyol at
> <mailto:aronsoyol at>>:
>     Hi
>     I can' t build libreoffice- and, The build process
>     always stopped when this window showed..
>>     When I force closed this window I got this error message

>     Error: a unit test failed, please do one of:
>     export DEBUGCPPUNIT=TRUE            # for exception catching
>     export CPPUNITTRACE="gdb --args" # for interactive debugging on linux
>     export CPPUNITTRACE=""[full path to devenv.exe]" /debugexe" # for
>     interactive debugging in Visual Studio
>     export VALGRIND=memcheck            # for memory checking
>     and retry using: make CppunitTest_dbaccess_hsqldb_test
>     make[1]: ***
>     [D:/lo/lo-core/workdir/CppunitTest/dbaccess_hsqldb_test.test] Error 1
>     make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....

in order to finish your build you can just edit
"dbaccess/" and remove the
"CppunitTest_dbaccess_hsqldb_test \" line to disable the test.

if you want to find out why the test fails, wait until it hangs and
attach Visual Studio debugger to the cppunittester.exe process; likely
it's some sort of deadlock. ...but it won't be fixed on the 4.2 release
branch now, would only be interesting if you can reproduce it on master.

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