make gbuildtojson

jan iversen jani at
Mon Dec 26 11:02:08 UTC 2016


2 questions about gbuildtojson.

Currently the filenames are stripped for their type in the json file. <Foo>-ide-integration, need the filetype for each file. Can I please have a hint in which gb_ function the stripping happens?

Considering that should not be converted to C++, would it not be better to convert gbuildtojson.cxx to python. That way we use the same language for the 2 parts, and in python we can easier make the json object more splitted ready to use for the ide generators ?

I will do the changes.

As a sidenote, xcodeproj files now loads correctly, with the exception of json with multiple targets. My intention is keep vs2013 in parallel.

My timeline is to have a working solution (not complete) at the hackfest after FOSDEM, giving us a chance to set the final goals.

han i

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