DPI and screen resolution on OS X

Alexander Thurgood alex.thurgood at gmail.com
Wed Feb 3 12:08:25 UTC 2016

Le 03/02/2016 00:52, Chris Sherlock a écrit :

Hi Chris,

> Hi all, 
> I’ve mentioned this briefly to Tor on IRC, but thought I’d email the mailing list and a general enquiry. 
> I noticed that we don’t actually get the “true” DPI for OS X, nor the actual resolution - at least on high resolution screens (Retina in particular). 

>From what I recall this has provided a few calculation issues in the
past with some of the xml layout unit tests in sw on OSX - making rect
calculation rounding errors spring to mind causing the unit test to
fail. As I only reported these at the time, and not involved in fixing
them, I can't say I understand the details.

I also wonder whether the horrible black or white bands and other
display detritus we see on OSX in fullscreen would be affected by
changes in this area (for the better hopefully)


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