Build fail when building Libreoffice on Windows.

Paul Blinzer pblinzer at
Thu Feb 11 05:29:14 UTC 2016

Platfom: Windows 10 64bit, running Cygwin 32 LODE build setup to compile
Default setup of build envrionment as outlined in

Synced up to git repo today (2/10/2016)
Compilation went well until reaching unit test for ssl check (see below for

Checked my cygwin installation and have openssl  & openssh packages as
indicated in the manual install sections (which I cross-validated).

Checked email list archive and couldn't find any mention, so sending it
Currently debugging the issue, trying to understand the scripts purpose
Anything known already?

Best Regards

[build PYT] pyuno_pytests_ssl
ERROR: test_ssl_import (testssl.SSLTest)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\sources\libo-core\pyuno\qa\pytests\", line 6, in
    import ssl
  File "C:\sources\libo-core\instdir\program\python-core-3.3.0\lib\",
line 60, in <module>
    import _ssl             # if we can't import it, let the error propagate
ImportError: DLL load failed: The operating system cannot run %1.

Ran 1 test in 0.015s

FAILED (errors=1)

Error: a unit test failed, please do one of:
make PythonTest_pyuno_pytests_ssl CPPUNITTRACE="gdb --args"
    # for interactive debugging on Linux
make PythonTest_pyuno_pytests_ssl VALGRIND=memcheck
    # for memory checking
make PythonTest_pyuno_pytests_ssl DEBUGCPPUNIT=TRUE
    # for exception catching

C:/sources/libo-core/solenv/gbuild/ recipe for target
'C:/sources/libo-core/workdir/PythonTest/pyuno_pytests_ssl/done' failed
make[1]: ***
[C:/sources/libo-core/workdir/PythonTest/pyuno_pytests_ssl/done] Error 1
make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
Makefile:249: recipe for target 'build' failed
make: *** [build] Error 2
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