LibreOffice for FreeBSD on PowerPC

Kaganski Mike mikekaganski at
Sun Nov 20 20:58:05 UTC 2016

Hi Curtis,

11/20/2016 4:46 AM, Curtis Hamilton пишет:
I've tried building 5.2 with the suggested options disabled.  Everything seems to go okay until the module tests start.  Below is what I get:

[CUT] binaryurp_test-cache
assertion failed
- Expression: aExport.equalsAscii(sExportString)
- exporting rectangle to SVG-D

assertion failed
- Expression: tools::isRectangle( aRect1 )
- checking rectangle-ness of rectangle 1

AFAICS, you have expected problems porting to a new platform. The unit tests fail, and you need to investigate the cause and fix them to move to next failing unit tests :)


Test name: basegfx2d::b2dsvgdimpex::impex
assertion failed
- Expression: aExport.equalsAscii(sExportString)
- exporting rectangle to SVG-D

You may try to replace lines like
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("exporting rectangle to SVG-D",
                               aExport.equalsAscii(sExportString) );

with that:
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("exporting rectangle to SVG-D", OUString("m10 10h-20v-20h20z"), // contents of sExportString

to enrich the assertion output.

Best regards,
Mike Kaganski
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