"Microsoft Excel Is Going Beyond Text and Numbers"

toki toki.kantoor at gmail.com
Tue Apr 3 01:42:01 UTC 2018

On 04/02/2018 09:48 AM, Heiko Tietze wrote:
> Interesting question - filed a ticket in BZ 
> https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=116744

>From my perspective, it looks like Microsoft Excell 2019 is offering the
following additional functionality:

* Real Time Currency Exchange Rates;
* Real Time Stock Market Data;
* Historical Currency Exchange Rates;
* Historical Stock Market Data;
* Census data;
* Scientific knowledge;
* Political knowledge;
* Geographical knowledge;
* Sports knowlege;
* General knowledge;
* Pop Trivia --- everything not covered above;

Break this up into basic steps.

Real time Stock Market Data and Currency Exchange data was available
using the Get_Quote Extension, which stopped working when Yahoo changed
their financial portal structure:
* Rewriting it for Currency Exchange data from XE.com is a possible
solution - user API key is required;
* I don't know what the rules are, for any current vendors of stock
market data. I didn't use Get_Quote, because it didn't cover the stock
exchange I tracked - each stock market probably needs its own extension.

Census Data: Web scraping might be possible.
* US Census data is available using the appropriate APIs. User key required;
* I didn't look at census data for other countries;
* Initially at least, create extensions that are country specific;

The following knowledge sets:
* Scientific knowledge;
* Political knowledge;
* Geographical knowledge;
* Sports knowledge;
* General knowledge;
* Pop Trivia --- everything not covered above;
probably can be pulled, at least in part, from WikiData.

Personally, I'd like to see both a cloud based, and non-cloud based
version of an extension that uses WikiData. However, at 31 GB for a
zipped archive, it might be too big to be practical.

The second big issue is, will whoever creates the extension, also
maintain it?


I don't see the relevance of Bug 116762 to this issue.
The extension described therein, maybe.


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