Writer - row-height, min-row-height and use use-optimal-row-height

Lionel Elie Mamane lionel at mamane.lu
Sun Jun 17 09:48:49 UTC 2018


The Base report builder produces Writer (odt) documents directly (it
spits out XML, not using Writer to produce it), and then opens them in
Writer. It uses tables heavily.

In the context of
Ilhan prepared a patch to make Report Builder mark some rows of some
tables as "fit to size" in row height. By reading the OpenDocument
specification, I thought this would happen by setting the
style:use-optimal-row-height attribute on the row. However, it turns
out that Ilhan had to change some sw code for that to work, and that
made me suspicious whether that was the right thing to do.

I looked into the XML generated by Writer with "Fit to Size" enabled
and disabled, and apparently that checkbox in writer replaces
"style:row-height" by "style:min-row-height, and
style:use-optimal-row-height is nowhere to be seen.

Could a Writer expert please look at the sw changes in
and let us know whether these changes are right or wrong with respect
to OpenDocument? Is style:use-optimal-row-height supposed to override
style:row-height or vice-versa?

Thanks in advance,


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