GSoC Idea Discussion "Improvements to Notebookbar"

Kshitij Pathania kshitijpathania at
Sun Mar 11 23:32:54 UTC 2018


I was writing the proposal for Gsoc "Improvement to notebookbar".While
going through the notebookbar implementation I have got some doubts. It
would be very helpful if these below-mentioned points can be explained.

Style dropdown in notebookbar- As I see, in all the notebookbars styles
dropdown combo box is there, then why in GSoC ideas it is written that "new
functions such as style dropdown haven't been introduced yet". Please
correct me if something above is wrong.

Customization of notebookbar- Customization via Glade is not suitable for
normal users so we need to user-friendly interface to customize the
notebookbar.But since the ui files are specific for each notebookbar,
customization will make all these glade files dynamic.How this can be
achieved, some advice will be helpful in this.

Resizing of notebookbar - Do I need to improve the existing algorithm for
resizing using PriorityHBox and DropdownBox or need to make a new algorithm
to implement new features especially of ms ribbon resize(as these
improvements will be slightly different from above algorithm and cannot be
added on it ).

Thanking you,
Kshitij Pathania
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