Building LO from source

Ismet Bahadir ismetbahadir at
Thu Jun 11 10:35:01 UTC 2020

I understand, thanks. I'll try that but compiling takes too much time.

Can you guess why the extension installs successfully under Ubuntu but 
fails at Debian? The error message is: Binary URP bridge disposed during 

I'm afraid to face the same error after following your instructions, 
that's why I'm trying to understand the root cause of the problem.


------ Original Message ------
From: "Michael Stahl" <mst at>
To: "Ismet Bahadir" <ismetbahadir at>; 
libreoffice at
Sent: 11-Jun-20 11:21:58 AM
Subject: Re: Building LO from source

>On 11.06.20 10:13, Ismet Bahadir wrote:
>>My problem is, the .deb file works fine on Ubuntu 18.04 and I can install the extension. However, the same .deb file is installed on Debian-10 but I can't install the extension.
>well that isn't guaranteed to work anyway and nobody ever tested it.
>if you want to deploy on different distros, then it's best to build on the same OS as TDF release builds, CentOS 7.

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