LibreOffice setup wizard

Pablo Rodríguez R. pablo at
Sun Sep 13 22:39:35 UTC 2020


LibreOffice Team
Setup Wizard

     Congratulations on the 7th version, looks like a completion of a 
long work. The digital signature compatibility seems to be working fine 
as well as all functionalities. The current mail is to address an issue 
that has taken place for years and for what i seen if we don't do any 
changes will continue to carry to who know when.

     On the wizards as well as the dictionary when you want to pick 
castellan (castellano) it's associated with Spanish, and there for an 
error Spanish is geolocated and reference to Spain, in it the oficial 
language is Castellan and some others, at least 2 more very frequent. In 
South America, we primary speak and write in South American Castellan 
(Castellano sudamericano), the origin of the language is a kingdom and 
not the country it's from the Reino de Castilla claro está. For the 
Sudamenrican Castellan, we use the neutral Venezuelan or the Mexican 
neutral, without slang's, it's not mandatory but as experience shows 
they use lees own words and it's greatly accepted.

     It would be a nice improvement to change the name of the language 
installation as the spellcheck option to the correct terms, also the way 
it's manage could be improved greatly if there were a question of 
interface language and if is it needed more than one language, that way 
it would not be necessary to display the whole list of languages just a 
Dropbox in case a checkbox is selected, it could even be download on 
request thing.

_I'm attaching a screenshot of a dictionary were you can clearly read 
what I'm trying to explain, notice that the academy is from Spain but 
the language is Castellan._

Best Reggards
Pablo Rodríguez R.

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