Also bump Linux Clang baseline to 12.0.1 (was: Bump --enable-compiler-plugins Clang baseline?)

Stephan Bergmann sbergman at
Tue Feb 15 10:00:09 UTC 2022

On 11/02/2022 15:37, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
> For another, as discussed in yesterday's ESC meeting,
>>       + Any objections to make that also the general Linux Clang 
>> baseline?
>>         + no objections (all)
> we'll also bump the Linux Clang-w/o-loplugin baseline to 12.0.1 at that 
> point.  (Otherwise, we would no longer have a Gerrit Jenkins builder 
> that builds against that baseline, potentially silently breaking master 
> for people who still use that baseline.  That way, we will potentially 
> silently break libreoffice-7-2 and libreoffice-7-3 for people who still 
> use those branches' baselines, though; but chances of actual breakage 
> should be relatively low.)

Ach, and then there's Android, which I keep forgetting about.

All our Gerrit Jenkins Android builds (aarch64, arm, x86, x86_64) appear 
to be done with Clang 8.0.7 (e.g., 
<> "checking 
whether Clang is new enough... yes (8.0.7)").  Cloph, is that correct?

So what we could do is bump the Linux (incl. Android) w/o-loplugin 
baseline from 5.0.2 to 8.0.7 (and only bump the with-loplugin baseline 
to 12.0.1).  That way, we would still have Gerrit Jenkins builds that 
build against the baseline (even though only on Android), to catch 
problems with Gerrit changes that would no longer build against the 

For that, we would presumably need to bump master

> * Android:
>     * Build: NDK r19c and SDK 22.6.2

to whatever NDK and SDK combination would provide at least Clang 8.0.7. 
  Would anybody see any problems with such an Android baseline bump? 
And could anybody (Cloph?) please provide the details what the new 
baseline versions in should be (maybe the versions that are 
actually used on the Jenkins machines)?

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