[BUG] [Libetonyek Build Failed] Please consider updating autotool scripts.

Kohei Yoshida kohei at libreoffice.org
Tue Nov 1 13:11:53 UTC 2022

On 17.10.2022 01:17, 南国 微雪 wrote:
> Hello, I'm from ArchRISC-V Team, a community porting Arch Linux
> software to RISC-V architecture.
> # Description
> While packaging `Libetonyek`, we found an error. [1]
> (This link is the log about building processing our lord maintained.)
> The `config.guess` file is too old to work.

FWIW, this is probably the same issue that was reported against libixion 
and liborcus:


The solution for me was to switch from manually running aclocal, 
automake, autoconf etc combo, to simply running autoreconf -i, as in the 
following commit:


I believe the packager can manually run autoreconf on their end, so my 
understanding is that it's not an urgent issue. But still something that 
should be fixed in the upstream packages.

As for the difference between autoconf and autoreconf, the following 
stackoverflow page summarizes pretty well:



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