(new) non-ASCII filenames break unit tests on Linux

Stephan Bergmann stephan.bergmann at allotropia.de
Sun Dec 3 11:59:56 UTC 2023

On 12/2/23 16:38, Mike Kaganski wrote:
> On 02.12.2023 17:46, Rene Engelhard wrote:
>> In any case this is bad. My filesystem (I think from 2020 or so) 
>> apparently shows it (ls -l does) but I wouldn't be sure for other, old 
>> ones (like Debians build machines). The locale this fails under 
>> definitely is UTF-8 though.

"Make testHybridPDFFile Windows-only, and filenames in repo ASCII-only", 
I can reproduce the failure on Linux when not using an UTF-8 locale but 
explicitly specifying an e.g. ASCII locale (and thus an 
osl_getThreadTextEncoding value of RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US) with 
`LC_CTYPE=C make -O CppunitTest_filter_textfilterdetect 

> But if someone has an idea why LibreOffice fails handling files that 
> exist on system, with names representable in system encoding, it would 
> be nice.

For better or worse, the payload of LO "internal" file URLs is always 
considered to be a UTF-8 encoding of the actual system pathname.  It is 
*not* a byte-for-byte representation of the bytes that make up the Unix 
system pathname.

What thus happens here is that the file UCP's TaskManager::getv -> 
osl::DirectoryItem::get -> osl_getDirectoryItem -> 
osl::detail::convertUrlToPathname -> getSystemPathFromFileUrl -> 
decodeFromUtf8 -> convert -> UnicodeToTextConverter_Impl::convert -> 
rtl_convertUnicodeToText tries to translate the Unicode chars of 
"hybrid_writer_абв_αβγ.pdf" to osl_getThreadTextEncoding() == 
RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US, but which doesn't work because ASCII has no 
representation of the Cyrillic and Greek letters.

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