Request for testing: trackpad changes in Calc

Patrick Luby plubius at
Tue Dec 26 19:55:23 UTC 2023

Hi everyone,

For a few years now, a recurring complaint for macOS users has been 
swiping vertically on the trackpad on a macOS laptop is overly sensitive 
in Calc. Unless you are really careful to swipe precisely vertical, the 
slight horizontal movements in the macOS swipe events would cause Calc 
to veer left or right by many columns with a big swipe.

So, I have made some changes to Calc to make horizontal swipes less 
sensitive to horizontal swipe and mouse wheel movements. With the 
following change, a native swipe events move roughly the same amount of 
"visual distance":

What worries me is if this change will negatively affect swiping in Calc 
on Windows and Linux.

My fix will be in tomorrow's (27 December 2023) nightly master build at 
the following webpage:

Can anyone using Windows and/or Linux with trackpad test this fix out? 
If it causes any unexpected behavior on those platforms, please let me 
know and I can restrict my fix to only macOS.



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