boost 1.81 breaks libetonyek and gtv-calc-header-bar.cxx

- Etna etna at
Sun Jan 8 04:40:12 UTC 2023

Hello all,

Boost 1.81 has been released, but Libreoffice has not been able to be compiled against it for more than a month.

Compilation fails with a whole bunch of duplicate symbol errors and libreoffice compilation cannot proceed.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Have Boost 1.81 present on the system
2. Build Libreoffice with ---with-system-boost, making sure that the configuration script points to Boost 1.81
3. Build error about implicit instantiation for gtv-calc-header-bar.cxx and duplicate symbols for libetonyek occur. Please see attachment.

Actual Results:
A whole bunch of errors about duplicate symbols appear. Please see attachment for the output.

Expected Results:
The build process should have proceeded with no errors.

Reproducible: Always reproducible ever since Boost 1.81 beta was released up till today.

Also, I should point out that this does not happen when building LibreOffice with boost 1.80. Also, I build LO using LLVM and Clang.

Thank you.

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