How/where is font hinting performed in libreoffice?

Frank Steiner fsteiner-mail1 at
Tue Nov 14 15:40:53 UTC 2023

Thanks a lot for your explanations!

Caolán McNamara wrote:

> That then doesn't give stable positions for text so they change
> relatively depending on zoom or when the contents of the text change as
> you type. aka "dancing characters" or "wiggling text"

I can see that indeed using my recompiled version of LO 7.5 with
forcing medium hint style, but only in calc.  And there the characters
don't dance while typing, though, but the position of certain characters
changes when typing enter and ending the editing of a cell.

This doesn't happen in 7.4, so the font code in 7.4 did things better,
but I guess you changed the code to make it easier platform-independent
or for some other good reason.

Anyway, for me all fonts are totally fine with medium hinting, so I'd
be way happier with it because I could use microsoft fonts in the
thinner version.

People who explicitely set a font hinting style usually know what they
are doing and why the want it. But to prevent font issues by chance
because of font settings someone is not aware of, one could add a
SAL_ALLOW_SYSTEM_FONTHINTING variable that must be set to true to
keep the hintstyle that is found in "cairo_font_options_get_hint_style(pFontOptions)"
instead of downgrading it to slight.

I wouldn't mind trying to write a patch for such a variable if there is
a chance it could be accepted...?


Dipl.-Inform. Frank Steiner   Web:
Lehrstuhl f. Bioinformatik    Mail:
LMU, Amalienstr. 17           Phone: +49 89 2180-4049
80333 Muenchen, Germany       Fax:   +49 89 2180-99-4049
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