Orcus 0.19.0, Apache Arrow and CMake

Kohei Yoshida kohei at libreoffice.org
Mon Oct 2 23:06:01 UTC 2023

Hi Michael,

On 9/29/23 05:33, Michael Stahl wrote:
> hi Kohei,
> On 29/09/2023 03:16, Kohei Yoshida wrote:
>> Now, it's my understanding that we still don't support use of CMake 
>> to build our external libraries. My question is, what do people think 
>> of adding support for CMake in our build system? Would that be too 
>> much effort and not worth it, or would it be worthwhile to add 
>> support for it, but so far it has not been anybody's priority, or ... ?
>> Please let me know what your opinions are.
> so as far as i remember, the reason why CMake isn't required currently 
> is mainly that nobody so far wanted to add it as yet another build 
> dependency that people have to install - there isn't anything 
> inherently wrong with the idea and it could be called from makefiles 
> just like other external build systems.

That's good to know.  Let me think about this for a bit.  The truth is 
that I'm not 100% sure whether I can commit to working on adding CMake 
executable as an additional build requirement myself.  I can imagine 
even adding an additional executable to our current buildsystem can be 
very complex and tedious.



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