Orcus 0.19.0, Apache Arrow and CMake

Michael Stahl mst at libreoffice.org
Fri Sep 29 09:33:57 UTC 2023

hi Kohei,

On 29/09/2023 03:16, Kohei Yoshida wrote:
> Now, it's my understanding that we still don't support use of CMake to 
> build our external libraries. My question is, what do people think of 
> adding support for CMake in our build system? Would that be too much 
> effort and not worth it, or would it be worthwhile to add support for 
> it, but so far it has not been anybody's priority, or ... ?
> Please let me know what your opinions are.

so as far as i remember, the reason why CMake isn't required currently 
is mainly that nobody so far wanted to add it as yet another build 
dependency that people have to install - there isn't anything inherently 
wrong with the idea and it could be called from makefiles just like 
other external build systems.

in some cases, there are specific problems with particular external 
project's CMakefiles - looking at poppler, which has various parameters 
to disable external library dependencies, some of which apparently do 
not work, so the CMake-generated config headers require patching.

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