Hi,<br>I had a problem in writerfilter, building without DEBUG.<br><br>I did some local hack with #undef, to get it building again.<br><br>#ifdef DEBUG<br>#include <resourcemodel/TagLogger.hxx><br><br>namespace writerfilter {<br>
namespace dmapper {<br> extern TagLogger::Pointer_t dmapper_logger;<br> }<br>}<br>#else<br><br>#undef DEBUG_ELEMENT<br>#undef DEBUG_CREATE<br>#undef DEBUG_PROPERTIES<br>#undef DEBUG_ATTRIBUTES<br>#undef DEBUG_RESOLVE<br>
#undef DEBUG_MEMORY<br>#undef DEBUG_CONTEXT_STACK<br>#undef DEBUG_DOMAINMAPPER<br><br>#endif // DEBUG<br><br>I hope it is fixed in the repository, so the next pull will be good.<br><br>I do not see others reporting building-problems.<br>
Must report these problems or not?<br><br>Joost<br>