Hello all,<br><br>I just merged the branch feature/unlimited-number-of-sheets to master. This only affects calc, but we did a lot of changes to the core of calc so if you notice any problems with building or with functions that are not working as expected please send me a short mail.<br>
<br>Calc should now be faster, but we were not able to remove the limit, only to increase it 32000 sheets because uno and libs-gui still use sal_Int16 for sheet index. But most important are the performance improvements, working with several sheets should be much faster, and most operations with a few sheets should be a bit faster too.<br>
<br>There are still some performance improvements I would like to do:<br> - the undo code around sheet actions needs way to much memory<br> - ScTable is misused for some actions<br> - we call ScTabView::SetTabNo way to often when we perform a sheet action<br>