Hi<br><br>Investigating sc/sdi/cellsh.sdi<br><br>I see the following code for the commands GoDown, GoDownSel, GoUp, GoUpSel (+ left and right movement and selection)<br><br>//cursor down <br>SfxVoidItem GoDown SID_CURSORDOWN<br>
(<br> SfxInt16Item By FN_PARAM_1,<br> SfxBoolItem Sel FN_PARAM_2<br> )<br> [<br> ExecMethod = ExecuteCursor ;<br> StateMethod = GetStateCursor ;<br> Cachable ;<br> ]<br>
<br> SfxVoidItem GoDownSel SID_CURSORDOWN_SEL<br> (<br> SfxInt16Item By FN_PARAM_1<br> )<br> [<br> Export = FALSE ;<br> ExecMethod = ExecuteCursorSel ;<br> StateMethod = GetStateCursor ;<br>
Cachable ;<br> ]<br><br>// cursor up<br><br> SfxVoidItem GoUp SID_CURSORUP<br> (<br> SfxInt16Item By FN_PARAM_1,<br> SfxBoolItem Sel FN_PARAM_2<br> )<br> [<br> ExecMethod = ExecuteCursor ;<br>
StateMethod = GetStateCursor ;<br> Cachable ;<br> ]<br> SID_CURSORUP_SEL [ ExecMethod = ExecuteCursorSel; StateMethod = GetStateCursor; ]<br><br>So it looks like GoDownSel has an argument "By", which seems to be "select FN_PARAM_1 cells down", but GoUpSel (GoRightSel and GoLeftSel) does not have this parameter.<br>
<br>Which one is the correct?<br><br>Thanks<br>-- <br>Olivier Hallot<br>Founder and Steering Commitee Member<br>The Document Foundation<br><br>