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<font face="Tahoma">Hi<br>
I'm trying to write a machine translation program for the
remaining german comments in the source code (using
google-translate to do the heavy lifting).<br>
Is this acceptable? <br>
I'm not a german speaker, so I won't be able to vet the resulting
translation for accuracy, but I've done this before for other
applications, and the results were deemed reasonable.<br>
I have the basic process working already (see below), but still
lots of tweaking to go.<br>
Thanks, Noel Grandin<br>
CommunicationLinkRef rHold(pCL); // H?lt den Zeiger bis zum
Ende des calls<br>
CommunicationLinkRef rHold(pCL); // Keeps the pointer to the
end of calls<br>
automation/source/testtool/cmdstrm.cxx:375: /// #59513#
nicht mehr ben?tigt ( siehe oben )<br>
automation/source/testtool/cmdstrm.cxx:375: /// # 59
513 # bentigt not (see above)<br>
automation/source/testtool/objtest.cxx:3107:// to prevent
automation/source/testtool/objtest.cxx:3107:// to preventable<br>
basctl/source/basicide/baside2.cxx:263:// "Import" von baside4.cxx<br>
basctl/source/basicide/baside2.cxx:263:// "Import" of baside4.cxx<br>
basctl/source/basicide/basidesh.cxx:257: // Damit bei einem
Basic-Fehler beim Speichern die Shell nicht sofort<br>
basctl/source/basicide/basidesh.cxx:257: // This not a basic
error when saving the shell immediately<br>
basic/source/app/textedit.cxx:260: if ( r.nStart >
r.nEnd ) // Nur bis Bug von MD behoben<br>
basic/source/app/textedit.cxx:260: if ( r.nStart >
r.nEnd ) // Fixed bug only to the MD<br>
basic/source/classes/sbunoobj.cxx:2721: //
nicht als feste Property in das Object aufgenommen werden und<br>
basic/source/classes/sbunoobj.cxx:2721: //
are not included as a fixed property in the Object<br>
basic/source/runtime/props.cxx:93: // liefert eine leere
basic/source/runtime/props.cxx:93: // returns an empty object
basic/source/sbx/sbxvar.cxx:179: // Because the method
could be called from outside, check the Da die Methode von aussen
aufrufbar ist, hier noch einmal<br>
basic/source/sbx/sbxvar.cxx:179: // Because the method
could be called from outside, check the outside, as the method is
accessible from here again<br>
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