Hello all<br><br>I've hacked the tools/inc/stream.hxx and tools/source/stream/stream.cxx to remove operator >>(long&) and operator <<(long). <br>To make tools/ build correctly I've also had to hack:<br>
<br>tools/source/generic/fract.cxx <br>tools/source/generic/gen.cxx <br>tools/source/generic/poly.cxx<br><br>SvStream& operator << ( SvStream& rOStream, const Fraction& rFract )<br>SvStream& operator >> ( SvStream& rIStream, Fraction& rFract )<br>
SvStream& operator>>( SvStream& rIStream, Pair& rPair )<br>SvStream& operator<<( SvStream& rOStream, const Pair& rPair )<br>SvStream& operator>>( SvStream& rIStream, Polygon& rPoly )<br>
SvStream& operator<<( SvStream& rOStream, const Polygon& rPoly )<br><br>so that these operators (de)serialize the Fraction, Pair and Polygon members (declared as long) as sal_Int32.<br>
<br>Trying a full build resulted in "undefined reference to SvStream::operator>>(long&)" in svl/ vcl/ and svtools/ (so far). As most of these errors are the result of trying to (de)serialize Pair derived classes, I'm now wondering whether it may be a good idea to change the troublesome members of these classes to sal_ types? <br>
<br>Best regards<br>Keith<br>