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Martin ,<br>
i use folowed BASIC code to make a "path" consitent , maybe it
helps ?<br>
public sElementnaam , sfotopath as string<br>
public oParameter as object<br>
sub addFotoPath()<br>
sRegisterPath = "/org.openoffice.OpmaakMacro.FotoPath/Parameters/" <br>
aSettings = GetConfigSettings(sRegisterPath)<br>
sElementNaam = "FOTO"<br>
sParaNaam = "FotoPath"<br>
sParameter = "c:\test"<br>
call addParameter(aSettings, sParaNaam, sParaMeter) <br>
end sub<br>
sub getFotoPath<br>
sRegisterPath =
"/org.openoffice.OpmaakMacro.FotoPath/Parameters/" <br>
aSettings = GetConfigSettings(sRegisterPath)<br>
asElNames = aSettings.ElementNames <br>
if aSettings.hasByName("FOTO") then<br>
oParameter = aSettings.getByName("FOTO") <br>
sFOTOpath = oParameter.getByName("ParameterString")<br>
sFOTOpath = ""<br>
endif <br>
end sub<br>
function GetConfigSettings(sRegisterPath as String) as Object 'Taken
from DannyB <br>
Dim args(1) As new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue <br>
aConfProv =
args(1).Name = "nodepath" <br>
args(1).Value = sRegisterPath <br>
args(0).Name = "EnableAsync" <br>
args(0).Value = false <br>
GetConfigSettings =
args()) <br>
end function <br>
sub CreateRegistrySchemaPathIfNotPresent(sRegisterPath as String) <br>
oPathSettings = CreateUnoService( "com.sun.star.util.PathSettings" )<br>
xray oPathSettings <br>
sPathConfig = oPathSettings.Work 'Config <br>
asPath1 = split(sRegisterPath, "/") <br>
sFullDotPath = asPath1(1) <br>
asPath2 = Split(sFullDotPath,".") <br>
sFolder = join(asPath2,"/") <br>
sRegistrySchemaPath = <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E"
href="file:///H:/">"file:///H:/"</a> & sFolder & ".xcs" <br>
sFileName = asPath2(UBound(asPath2)) <br>
sPackage = left(sFullDotPath, len(sFullDotPath)-len(sFileName)-1) <br>
oSFA = createUNOService ("com.sun.star.ucb.SimpleFileAccess") <br>
if not oSFA.exists(sRegistrySchemaPath) then 'See the chapter 15 of
the dev guide for some explanation <br>
print sRegistrySchemaPath<br>
oOutStream = oSFA.openFileWrite(sRegistrySchemaPath) <br>
oOutText = createUNOService ("com.sun.star.io.TextOutputStream") <br>
oOutText.setOutputStream(oOutStream) <br>
oOutText.WriteString("<?xml version='1.0'
encoding='UTF-8'?>" & Chr(10)) <br>
oOutText.WriteString("<oor:component-schema oor:name=""" &
sFileName & """ oor:package=""" & sPackage & """ " ) <br>
oOutText.WriteString("xml:lang=""en-US"" xmlns:oor="<a
" ) <br>
oOutText.WriteString("xmlns:xs="<a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E"
" ) <br>
oOutText.WriteString("xmlns:xsi="<a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E"
& Chr(10)) <br>
oOutText.WriteString("<templates>" & Chr(10)) <br>
oOutText.WriteString(" <group oor:name=""Parameter"">"
& Chr(10)) <br>
oOutText.WriteString(" <prop oor:name=""ParameterName""
oor:type=""xs:string""/>" & Chr(10)) <br>
oOutText.WriteString(" <prop oor:name=""ParameterString""
oor:type=""xs:string""/>" & Chr(10)) <br>
oOutText.WriteString(" </group>" & Chr(10)) <br>
oOutText.WriteString("</templates>" & Chr(10)) <br>
oOutText.WriteString("<component>" & Chr(10)) <br>
oOutText.WriteString(" <set oor:name=""Parameters""
oor:node-type=""Parameter""/>" & Chr(10)) <br>
oOutText.WriteString("</component>" & Chr(10)) <br>
oOutText.WriteString("</oor:component-schema>" &
Chr(10)) <br>
oOutText.closeOutput() <br>
oOutStream.closeOutput <br>
endif <br>
end sub <br>
sub addParameter(aSettings as Object, ParameterName as String,
ParameterString as String) <br>
Dim arParameters1(0) As new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue <br>
arParameters1(0).Name = ParameterName <br>
arParameters1(0).Value = ParameterString <br>
call setParameters(aSettings, arParameters1(0)) <br>
end sub <br>
function getParameterCount(aSettings as Object) as long <br>
getParameterCount = UBound(aSettings.ElementNames)+1 <br>
end function <br>
sub setParameters(aSettings as Object, aNewValue as Object) <br>
if aSettings.hasbyName(sElementnaam) then<br>
'print aNewvalue.name<br>
oParameter = aSettings.createInstance() <br>
oParameter.ParameterName = aNewValue.Name <br>
oParameter.ParameterString = aNewValue.Value <br>
aSettings.ReplaceByName(sElementNaam , oParameter) <br>
aSettings.commitChanges() <br>
oParameter = aSettings.createInstance() <br>
oParameter.ParameterName = aNewValue.Name <br>
oParameter.ParameterString = aNewValue.Value <br>
aSettings.insertByName(sElementNaam , oParameter) <br>
aSettings.commitChanges() <br>
end sub <br>
type="cite">Hi everybody,<br>
I'm hacking the cross-platform filepicker (in
fpicker/source/office). I added a "Places" (bookmarks) list on the
left and I would like to save the entries that the user bookmarked
Cedric Bosdonnat told me to look at xcu and xcs files, but I'm a
bit lost. I'm looking for a code sample where user's persistent
configuration is manipulated (read and written) and/or anything
that can be usefull, like search keywords, links to old threads in
the mailing list, which would help me to identify some good
practices (naming conventions, for instance).<br>
Martin Richard<br>
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