>> I could not found a dialogbox class, thus I build one: class DialogBox in dialogbox.py.<br><br>I did not look good enough.<br>There is UnoDialog2.py in wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/ui.<br><br>Thus dialogbox.py can go to /dev/null.<br>
Also the 2 examples.<br><br>I made a new example using UnoDialog2: example-using-unodialog2.py.<br><br>>> The header would have to be changed to the TEMPLATE.SOURCECODE.HEADER<br><br>The attached new example has this header.<br>
<br>>> Would the idea be to install it along with the rest of pyuno as <br>>> utility class for reuse.<div class="gmail_quote"><div><br>Do not install dialogbox.py, because its is redundant.<br>Just to be thrown away. <br>
<br>>> or to just have it as a demo ?<br><br>As a demo would be nice.<br>Therefor a code review is needed and a demo context.<br>Where is the place for such a demo ?<br><br></div></div>Joost<br>