Hi LO guys,<br><br>After take a look in bugzilla, I reached a "simple" work: Remove duplicated code.<br><br>So, what can I do? Create a new file in tools dir?<br><br>If you can send me some tips, I believe I can help in this issue :)<br>
<br>Until now, I don't understood very well how to build process work, a lot of .mk files...<br><br>So, if you can explain some things for me, I belvie I can learn how to0 do, and do more after I do this fdo.<br>
<br>Thanks a lot guys for the patience!<div class=""><div id=":1" class="" tabindex="0"><img class="" src="https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/images/cleardot.gif"></div></div><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Att,<br><br>Marcos Paulo de Souza<br>
Acadêmico de Ciencia da Computação - FURB - SC<br>Github: <a href="https://github.com/marcosps/" target="_blank">https://github.com/marcosps/</a><br>"Uma vida sem desafios é uma vida sem razão"<br>"A life without challenges, is a non reason life"<br>