<div dir="ltr">Hi all,<div style>this is my GSOC weekly (now, two week) report. Unfortunately, I could work a few due to some other matters. Here's what I've got:</div><div style>Accordig to the arrangement, I've started to investigate, how BASIC handles variable delarations (as I wrote in the email), and I've tried to do the same as it does in VBA mode. Now, it allows variable of any type to be declared, and does not complain about it (in experimental mode). Further, I've introduced reflection, so it checks if that interface exists, eg:</div>
<div style>Dim aPicker As com.sun.star.ui.dialogs.XFilePicker will be treated as a valid type, and Dim aVar As com.sun.star.foo.Foo will be an invalid one. Also, i've moved further to find the function whick checks for newly declared subroutines in the IDE when writing the code. This is needed to connect these two things together, but I've notices that the object inspector does not shows the declared variables, and maybe this is needed (another idea to solve :D ). This function is called void TreeListBox::ImpCreateLibSubEntries() and it's located in file basctl/source/basicide/bastype2.cxx in line 325. This is what I've done.</div>
<div style>Regards,</div><div style>Gergõ Mocsi</div></div>