Hi,<br><br>After getting a lot of distractions and misunderstandings started coding again. I was implementing the code with completely different and ineffective way. After a quick hangout session with Thorsten all the pieces of puzzle are falling into place. <br>
<br>Implementation goes on UNO api. Which will allow me to implement the feature more generic as wanted.<br><br>I am currently implementing two methods for accessing configuration data and adding it to the listbox.<br><br>
This weeks plan is:<br>-Mainly End with a functioning tab page.<br>-Finish current methods (Probably will end tomorrow)<br>-Implement handlers. 3 or 4 handler don't think they take too much time. (Doubleclick, Reset, Edit etc.)<br>
<br><br>Best,<br><br><br>-- <br>Efe Gürkan YALAMAN<br><a href="http://about.me/efegurkan" target="_blank">http://about.me/efegurkan</a><br>