<div dir="ltr">Hello,<br><br>I am a PhD Candidate from Brazil. My research is interest is on how to support new contributors during their first steps in the project. <br><br>My final goal is to verify what kind of tooling is appropriate to support the newcomers overcoming their difficulties when they are willing to contribute to the project.<br>
<br>The first step of my reasearch is to find out what are the main obstacles and difficulties faced by these newcomers. My goal is to hear from the community itself.<br><br>I need your help answering three quick questions available here:<br>
<a href="http://igor.pro.br/limesurvey/index.php?sid=89755&lang=en">http://igor.pro.br/limesurvey/index.php?sid=89755&lang=en</a><br><br>You will not take more than 10 minutes, and the survey responses does not contain any identifying information about you unless a specific question in the survey has asked for this.<br>
<br>Thanks in advance<br clear="all"><div><div dir="ltr">--<br>Igor Fabio Steinmacher<div>PhD Candidate - IME/University of São Paulo<br>Faculty at Computer Sciences Dept. at Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná<br>