<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div>Hi,<br></div>The problem occurs on LO4 windows (installation or update of my extension with extension manager) :<br><br></div>Runtime Error !<br></div>c:\Program Files\LibreOffice 4\URE\bin\uno.exe<br>
</div>R6034<br></div>An application has made an attenpt to load the C runtime library incorrectly.<br><br><div><div><div><div>My extension for windows is compiled on MSVC2008. LO is compiled with MSVC 2010, isn't it ? I think that's the problem because it's OK with LO3 and Apache OpenOffice 4.<br>
</div><div>How to fix that without recompiling my extension ?<br></div><div>Here is my extension : <a href="http://cdeval.free.fr/spip.php?article132">http://cdeval.free.fr/spip.php?article132</a> (translations available on the top right)<br>
</div><div>Thanks for any help.<br></div><div><br></div></div></div></div></div>