<p dir="ltr">Hi Stephan,</p>
<p dir="ltr"> I had built an extension last year with help from you and others on this list. I am having issues building it with 4.2 .<br>
The build had 7 steps and fails at 3rd with 4.2.<br>
would you be able to point me in the right direction.<br>
1. idlc -C -I<> my file.IDL<br>
2.regmerge myfile.rdb /UCR myfile.urd<br>
3. cppumaker -BUCR -Gc offapi.rdb types.rdb myfile.rdb<br>
4.2 doesn't support options -BUR so I took them out leaving -C and it builds but the output dirname is .org instead of org<br>
4. gcc <options include> myfile_impl.cxx <br>
Fails with missing XInterface.hpp<br>
5. gcc -o myshlib.so<br>
6. Zip my file.oxt <><br>
7. Unopkg add -f my file.oxt</p>
<p dir="ltr">Thanks<br>