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<font face="Tahoma">I tried any value to not invoke warn window, it
not helps. Maybe it is my foult wchile loading service manager?.<br>
It is like this:<br>
xLocalContext = BootstrapSocketConnector<br>
.bootstrap("C:\\Program Files
(x86)\\LibreOffice 4\\program\\soffice.exe");<br>
xLocalServiceManager =
urlResolver =
xUnoUrlResolver = (XUnoUrlResolver)
XUnoUrlResolver.class, urlResolver);<br>
initialObject = xUnoUrlResolver<br>
XPropertySet xPropertySet = (XPropertySet)
XPropertySet.class, initialObject);<br>
defaultRemoteContext =
xRemoteContext = (XComponentContext)
xRemoteServiceManager =
desktop =
"com.sun.star.frame.Desktop", xRemoteContext);<br>
and load component like this:<br>
xComponentLoader = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(<br>
XComponentLoader.class, desktop);<br>
xComponent = xComponentLoader.loadComponentFromURL(<br>
sourceURL, "_blank", 0, properties);<br>
In initialization of service in java console appears: <br>
CE> Warning: -nologo is deprecated. Use --nologo instead.<br>
CE> Warning: -nodefault is deprecated. Use --nodefault instead.<br>
CE> Warning: -norestore is deprecated. Use --norestore instead.<br>
CE> Warning: -nolockcheck is deprecated. Use --nolockcheck
CE> Warning: -accept=socket,host=localhost,port=8100;urp; is
deprecated. Use --accept=socket,host=localhost,port=8100;urp;
It can be bug or it can be some king of old initialization from my
side. Is another correct way to load service and not see this
warnings?. (I wont use it from java code, not from system script)<br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">W dniu 2015-02-25 o 17:58, Michael
Stahl pisze:<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:54EDFF4F.40802@redhat.com" type="cite">
<pre wrap="">On 25.02.2015 09:46, Bartłomiej Mikos PrimeSoft Polska wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">Good morning,
I solved the problem. I thougth than UpdateDocMode.NEVER_UPDATE will set
up loading without warning. It is not true, the problem solved set libre
office by hand in options -> set update document from on request to
never update. It solving the problem. I thinking now why UpdateDocMode
property not working and how set Never Update documents from code (its
not good idea to setting libre office conf by hand :D).
<pre wrap="">
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap=""> PropertyValue[] properties = new PropertyValue[3];
properties[0] = getHiddenProperty();
properties[1] = new PropertyValue();
properties[1].Name = "UpdateDocMode";
properties[1].Value = new Short((short) 1);
<pre wrap="">
which values did you try? 1 is QUIET_UPDATE which *does* update if that
is possible without asking information from user.
did you try NO_UPDATE = 0 too? if that would also update links then
that would clearly be a bug.
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<p style="font-size: 12px;color: #666666;font-family: Tahoma,
sans-serif;line-height: 1.4">
<span style="font-size: 15;color: #000000;">Z poważaniem,</span>
<span style="font-size: 15;color: #000000;">Bartłomiej Mikos</span>
<span style="font-size: 15px;color:#003380;font-weight: bold;">Bartłomiej
<span style="font-size: 12px;color:#003380">software engineer</span>
<a href="mailto:bartlomiej.mikos@primesoft.pl"
style="text-decoration: none;color: #666666;">bartlomiej.mikos@primesoft.pl</a><br>
<a href="http://www.primesoft.pl" style="text-decoration:
none;color: #666666;">www.primesoft.pl</a>
<span style="font-size: 13px;color:#003380;font-weight: bold;">PrimeSoft
Polska Sp. z o.o.</span><br>
ul. Perkuna 25, 61-615 Poznań tel/fax 61/833-17-72<br>
NIP 7831592998 Regon 634610845 KRS 0000221565 Kapitał zakł.
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<strong>Dla Państwa już od 10 lat</strong><br>
Dnia 25 września 2014 roku odbyła się konferencja "10-lecie
PrimeSoft Polska: okiem klienta, okiem dostawcy – wymiana
doświadczeń biznesowych". W wydarzeniu wzięli udział
przedstawiciele firm i instytucji będących klientami oraz
partnerami biznesowymi PrimeSoft Polska. <a
href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjsrjSmaNaQ">Relacja z