[Libva] [ANNOUNCE] libva-intel-driver 1.2.0

Xiang, Haihao haihao.xiang at intel.com
Tue Jun 25 23:44:51 PDT 2013


libva-intel-driver 1.2.0 is now available at:

This release requires libva-1.2.0 (VA-API 0.34.0) and libdrm 2.4.45, the
new version brings the following changes:

* Support the new H.264 encoding API on SNB/IVB/HSW
  - Profile: BP/MP/HP
  - Entropy Coding: CAVLC/CABAC
  - Rate Control: CQP, CBR
  - Progressive frame
  - Multi Slice encoding
  - Configurable GOP Structure
* MPEG-2 encoding on IVB/HSW
  - Profile: SP/MP
  - Progressive frame
  - Configurable GOP Structure  
* Video process on ILK/SNB/IVB/HSW
  - CSC/scaling on ILK
  - CSC/scaling/NoiseReduction/Deinterlacing{Bob} on SNB/IVB 
  - CSC/scaling/NoiseReduction/Deinterlacing{Bob,MotionAdaptive}/Sharpening/ColorBalance on HSW
* Implement vaQuerySurfaceAttributes()
* Implement the new version of vaCreateSurfaces()
  - Create VA surface with specified fourcc
  - Create VA surface from external buffer
    . flinked GEM buffer
    . prime/dma buffer
* Optimize H.264 encoding on IVB/HSW
* More reserved PCI IDs for HSW
* A lot of bug fixes

git tag: 1.2.0

sha1sum: 580c8dc5d2323b1e7dd9506512695001f845c2f1  libva-intel-driver-1.2.0.tar.bz2


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