[LightDM] screwed up $PATH (emergency)

Guido Berhoerster gber at opensuse.org
Fri Aug 26 06:05:38 PDT 2011

* kraxadmin <kraxadmin at gmail.com> [2011-08-26 13:18]:
> and it is simply done by editing it?

Yes, it is usually a shell script which sets up your session and
starts the windowmanager or desktop environment, so you could add
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
in an appropriate place.

Note that this script is not part of LightDM, it is your
distributions responsibility to provide such a wrapper script and
to configure LightDM to use it. If that's not the case I would
file a bug against your distros LightDM package.
Guido Berhoerster

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