[LightDM] systemd cooperation

Robert Ancell robert.ancell at gmail.com
Wed Nov 7 18:14:32 PST 2012

Hi Martin,

On 30 October 2012 23:52, Martin Briza <mbriza at redhat.com> wrote:

> Before I start: I wasn't able to find a "verbose" documentation with a
> in-depth description of how exactly is LightDM structured. If there is such
> thing, I'd highly appreciate that, as it would make understanding
> everything much easier.

Not currently, sorry for that :(

What I'm facing is this:
> We in Fedora have a patch in kde-workspace removing ConsoleKit calls and
> replacing them with appropriate ones to systemd, so basically, at least in
> the concerns I'm describing here, the behavior should be the same.
> As you might be guessing It is not. :) The behavior is as follows:
>  1) log in as user1 (this creates a session on VT1)
>  2) create a new session for user2 (session on VT2)
>  3) switch to user1 (this calls Activate on the session in both CK and
> logind)
>  4) log out as user1 - system gets stuck, no new greeter is created, just
> a black screen, can't even switch to VT2
> Interesting thing in this is the fact that when I select creating a new
> session (which calls SwitchToGreeter on the LightDM bus) and then select
> the existing session, everything works fine. I interpret this to myself as
> LightDM is tracking which user is currently active and properly terminates
> his session when it ends but can't handle end of session that is not active.
> What I don't understand in this is: It works with ConsoleKit so I thought:
> LightDM is listening to signals emitted by CK and tracks active sessions
> using them. Well, I couldn't find any signs of LightDM using this but maybe
> I wasn't looking good enough.
> So, please, how exactly does LightDM handle session tracking?

LightDM doesn't actually track the active session. In the above step 4
LightDM should have detected that session 1 terminated and started a
greeter session (the equivalent of SwitchToGreeter). Can you give the
output of /var/log/lightdm after this occurs?


ps the lightdm + systemd issue is being tracked in
https://bugs.launchpad.net/lightdm/+bug/930488 but there isn't any major
work in it.
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