[LightDM] Perform non-interactive login using provided uses credentials

Andre Klärner kandre at ak-online.be
Sun Jul 28 15:15:47 PDT 2013

On Sat 27.07.2013 11:09:52, arijo wrote:
> I would like to discuss the possibility of performing a login in a
> non-interactive way using full user credentials as if they were
> input into the greeter dialog.

My foolish attempt would be to build a greeter that runs the given
credentials and if they didn't work proxy out to a regular greeter.

But what are the exact requirements for the encrypted filesystems? I guess
they need exactly the cleartext password to hash it themself to the actual
encryption key, but do you have what you need present in your boot
environment? Btw: what are you doing so that the user info is already
present so early?

Regards, Andre

Andre Klärner
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