[LightDM] Language dialogue for webkit-greeter

Robert Ancell robert.ancell at gmail.com
Mon Oct 12 02:44:53 PDT 2015

Hi Lukas,

I've had a look at the lightdm-webkit-greeter API and it's missing the
set_language function which is required for this to work. You can see what
is required here [1].

Otherwise, the process is:
- Use lightdm.languages to get the list of available languages
- For each language use .code, .name and .territory to get information
about that language
- For each user in lightdm.users get their selected language from .language
- After authentication is complete but before the session is started set
the language by calling lightdm.set_language

Hope this helps,


On Wed, 30 Sep 2015 at 15:10 Lukas Laufenberg | Computerwerk Darmstadt e.
V. <lukas.laufenberg at computerwerk.org> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> Dear LightDM Developers,
> We are a group of people recycling old computers and giving them away
> to people in need. Right now we are preparing computers for an
> internet cafe in a refugee camp. We need to include a language
> selection field into our lightdm-webkit-greeter-theme (we modified the
> standard antergos theme, but a language dialogue is not included).
> Unfortunately we could not find documentation on how to do this or how
> the api for this works.
> We are using the current LightDM version of Xubuntu 14.0.4 LTS version
> (1.10.5) and version 0.1.2 of the webkit-greeter.
> We appreciate any help,
> regards Lukas Laufenberg
> - --
> stellv. Vorsitzender
> Computerwerk Darmstadt e.V.
> Hochschulstraße 1
> 64289 Darmstadt
> kontakt at computerwerk.org
> https://www.computerwerk.org
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