Mesa (master): scons: Recent Windows DDK do not include LIB.EXE.

Jose Fonseca jrfonseca at
Tue Apr 14 20:44:42 UTC 2009

Module: Mesa
Branch: master
Commit: 5ccbccb3c17b675c4206fd1b3821cbb74997720a

Author: José Fonseca <jfonseca at>
Date:   Tue Apr 14 21:31:34 2009 +0100

scons: Recent Windows DDK do not include LIB.EXE.

Have to use LINK /LIB instead. The biggest problem is when the command
line is very long and all the options are included in a argument file --
link doesn't like if /LIB is included in the argument file.


 scons/ |   90 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 files changed, 88 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scons/ b/scons/
index da51c57..c5ebdec 100644
--- a/scons/
+++ b/scons/
@@ -29,21 +29,107 @@ Based on SCons.Tool.mslib, without the MSVC detection.
+import os
+import tempfile
+import string
 import SCons.Defaults
 import SCons.Tool
 import SCons.Util
+import SCons.Errors
+class TempFileMunge:
+    """Same as SCons.Platform.TempFileMunge, but preserves LINK /LIB
+    together.""" 
+    def __init__(self, cmd):
+        self.cmd = cmd
+    def __call__(self, target, source, env, for_signature):
+        if for_signature:
+            return self.cmd
+        cmd = env.subst_list(self.cmd, 0, target, source)[0]
+        try:
+            maxline = int(env.subst('$MAXLINELENGTH'))
+        except ValueError:
+            maxline = 2048
+        if (reduce(lambda x, y: x + len(y), cmd, 0) + len(cmd)) <= maxline:
+            return self.cmd
+        # We do a normpath because mktemp() has what appears to be
+        # a bug in Windows that will use a forward slash as a path
+        # delimiter.  Windows's link mistakes that for a command line
+        # switch and barfs.
+        #
+        # We use the .lnk suffix for the benefit of the Phar Lap
+        # linkloc linker, which likes to append an .lnk suffix if
+        # none is given.
+        tmp = os.path.normpath(tempfile.mktemp('.lnk'))
+        native_tmp = SCons.Util.get_native_path(tmp)
+        if env['SHELL'] and env['SHELL'] == 'sh':
+            # The sh shell will try to escape the backslashes in the
+            # path, so unescape them.
+            native_tmp = string.replace(native_tmp, '\\', r'\\\\')
+            # In Cygwin, we want to use rm to delete the temporary
+            # file, because del does not exist in the sh shell.
+            rm = env.Detect('rm') or 'del'
+        else:
+            # Don't use 'rm' if the shell is not sh, because rm won't
+            # work with the Windows shells (cmd.exe or or
+            # Windows path names.
+            rm = 'del'
+        prefix = env.subst('$TEMPFILEPREFIX')
+        if not prefix:
+            prefix = '@'
+        if cmd[0:2] == ['link', '/lib']:
+            split = 2
+        else:
+            split = 1
+        args = map(SCons.Subst.quote_spaces, cmd[split:])
+        open(tmp, 'w').write(string.join(args, " ") + "\n")
+        # XXX Using the SCons.Action.print_actions value directly
+        # like this is bogus, but expedient.  This class should
+        # really be rewritten as an Action that defines the
+        # __call__() and strfunction() methods and lets the
+        # normal action-execution logic handle whether or not to
+        # print/execute the action.  The problem, though, is all
+        # of that is decided before we execute this method as
+        # part of expanding the $TEMPFILE construction variable.
+        # Consequently, refactoring this will have to wait until
+        # we get more flexible with allowing Actions to exist
+        # independently and get strung together arbitrarily like
+        # Ant tasks.  In the meantime, it's going to be more
+        # user-friendly to not let obsession with architectural
+        # purity get in the way of just being helpful, so we'll
+        # reach into SCons.Action directly.
+        if SCons.Action.print_actions:
+            print("Using tempfile "+native_tmp+" for command line:\n"+
+                  " ".join(map(str,cmd)))
+        return cmd[:split] + [ prefix + native_tmp + '\n' + rm, native_tmp ]
 def generate(env):
     """Add Builders and construction variables for lib to an Environment."""
-    env['AR']          = 'lib'
+    if env.Detect('lib'):
+        env['AR']          = 'lib'
+    elif env.Detect('link'):
+        # Recent WINDDK versions do not ship with lib.
+        env['AR']          = 'link /lib'
+        env['TEMPFILE']    = TempFileMunge
+    else:
+        raise SCons.Errors.InternalError, "lib and link not found"
     env['ARFLAGS']     = SCons.Util.CLVar('/nologo')
     env['ARCOM']       = "${TEMPFILE('$AR $ARFLAGS /OUT:$TARGET $SOURCES')}"
     env['LIBPREFIX']   = ''
     env['LIBSUFFIX']   = '.lib'
 def exists(env):
-    return env.Detect('lib')
+    return env.Detect('lib') or env.Detect('link')
 # vim:set ts=4 sw=4 et:

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