Mesa (master): i965: fix memory leak in context/ renderbuffer region management

Robert Ellison papillo at
Sat May 9 01:12:56 UTC 2009

Module: Mesa
Branch: master
Commit: fc6d89145df6fc7a1c2ce648b474c3f203ca87c7

Author: Robert Ellison <papillo at>
Date:   Fri May  8 14:42:47 2009 -0600

i965: fix memory leak in context/renderbuffer region management

A temporary change to the intelMakeCurrent() function to make
it work with frame buffer objects causes the static regions
associated with the context (the front_region, back_region,
and depth_region) to take on an additional reference, with
no corresponding release.  This causes a memory leak if a
program repeatedly creates and destroys contexts.

The fix is the corresponding hack, to unreference these
regions when the context is deleted, but only if the
framebuffer objects are still present and the same
regions are still referenced within.

Both sets of code have comment blocks referring to each


 src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_context.c |   64 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_context.c b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_context.c
index a6d8729..8b3e50f 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_context.c
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_context.c
@@ -774,13 +774,64 @@ intelDestroyContext(__DRIcontextPrivate * driContextPriv)
       intel->prim.vb_bo = NULL;
       if (release_texture_heaps) {
-         /* This share group is about to go away, free our private
-          * texture object data.
+         /* Nothing is currently done here to free texture heaps;
+          * but we're not using the texture heap utilities, so I
+          * rather think we shouldn't.  I've taken a look, and can't
+          * find any private texture data hanging around anywhere, but
+          * I'm not yet certain there isn't any at all...
+         /* if (INTEL_DEBUG & DEBUG_TEXTURE)
             fprintf(stderr, "do something to free texture heaps\n");
+          */
+      /* XXX In intelMakeCurrent() below, the context's static regions are 
+       * referenced inside the frame buffer; it's listed as a hack,
+       * with a comment of "XXX FBO temporary fix-ups!", but
+       * as long as it's there, we should release the regions here.
+       * The do/while loop around the block is used to allow the
+       * "continue" statements inside the block to exit the block,
+       * to avoid many layers of "if" constructs.
+       */
+      do {
+         __DRIdrawablePrivate * driDrawPriv = intel->driDrawable;
+         struct intel_framebuffer *intel_fb;
+         struct intel_renderbuffer *irbDepth, *irbStencil;
+         if (!driDrawPriv) {
+            /* We're already detached from the drawable; exit this block. */
+            continue;
+         }
+         intel_fb = (struct intel_framebuffer *) driDrawPriv->driverPrivate;
+         if (!intel_fb) {
+            /* The frame buffer is already gone; exit this block. */
+            continue;
+         }
+         irbDepth = intel_get_renderbuffer(&intel_fb->Base, BUFFER_DEPTH);
+         irbStencil = intel_get_renderbuffer(&intel_fb->Base, BUFFER_STENCIL);
+         /* If the regions of the frame buffer still match the regions
+          * of the context, release them.  If they've changed somehow,
+          * leave them alone.
+          */
+         if (intel_fb->color_rb[0] && intel_fb->color_rb[0]->region == intel->front_region) {
+	    intel_renderbuffer_set_region(intel_fb->color_rb[0], NULL);
+         }
+         if (intel_fb->color_rb[1] && intel_fb->color_rb[1]->region == intel->back_region) {
+	    intel_renderbuffer_set_region(intel_fb->color_rb[1], NULL);
+         }
+         if (irbDepth && irbDepth->region == intel->depth_region) {
+	    intel_renderbuffer_set_region(irbDepth, NULL);
+         }
+         /* Usually, the stencil buffer is the same as the depth buffer;
+          * but they're handled separately in MakeCurrent, so we'll
+          * handle them separately here.
+          */
+         if (irbStencil && irbStencil->region == intel->depth_region) {
+	    intel_renderbuffer_set_region(irbStencil, NULL);
+         }
+      } while (0);
@@ -789,6 +840,8 @@ intelDestroyContext(__DRIcontextPrivate * driContextPriv)
       /* free the Mesa context */
@@ -817,7 +870,10 @@ intelMakeCurrent(__DRIcontextPrivate * driContextPriv,
           if (driDrawPriv != driReadPriv)
               intel_update_renderbuffers(driContextPriv, driReadPriv);
       } else {
-          /* XXX FBO temporary fix-ups! */
+          /* XXX FBO temporary fix-ups!  These are released in 
+           * intelDextroyContext(), above.  Changes here should be
+           * reflected there.
+           */
           /* if the renderbuffers don't have regions, init them from the context */
          struct intel_renderbuffer *irbDepth
             = intel_get_renderbuffer(&intel_fb->Base, BUFFER_DEPTH);

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