Mesa (7.10): glsl: Rewrote _mesa_glsl_process_extension to use table-driven logic.

Ian Romanick idr at
Wed Jul 20 20:37:19 UTC 2011

Module: Mesa
Branch: 7.10
Commit: 7b8e7f445066531915ee4894fb823c908ac44312

Author: Paul Berry <stereotype441 at>
Date:   Fri Jun 24 15:34:04 2011 -0700

glsl: Rewrote _mesa_glsl_process_extension to use table-driven logic.

Instead of using a chain of manually maintained if/else blocks to
handle "#extension" directives, we now consult a table that specifies,
for each extension, the circumstances under which it is available, and
what flags in _mesa_glsl_parse_state need to be set in order to
activate it.

This makes it easier to add new GLSL extensions in the future, and
fixes the following bugs:

- Previously, _mesa_glsl_process_extension would sometimes set the
  "_enable" and "_warn" flags for an extension before checking whether
  the extension was supported by the driver; as a result, specifying
  "enable" behavior for an unsupported extension would sometimes cause
  front-end support for that extension to be switched on in spite of
  the fact that back-end support was not available, leading to strange
  failures, such as those in

- "#extension all: warn" and "#extension all: disable" had no effect.


- All extensions are currently marked as unavailable in geometry
  shaders.  This should not have any adverse effects since geometry
  shaders aren't supported yet.  When we return to working on geometry
  shader support, we'll need to update the table for those extensions
  that are available in geometry shaders.

- Previous to this commit, if a shader mentioned
  ARB_shader_texture_lod, extension ARB_texture_rectangle would be
  automatically turned on in order to ensure that the types
  sampler2DRect and sampler2DRectShadow would be defined.  This was
  unnecessary, because (a) ARB_shader_texture_lod works perfectly well
  without those types provided that the builtin functions that
  reference them are not called, and (b) ARB_texture_rectangle is
  enabled by default in non-ES contexts anyway.  I eliminated this
  unnecessary behavior in order to make the behavior of all extensions

Some changes were made in glsl_parser_extras.h during cherry pick to
7.10 because 7.11 and master support many extensions that 7.10 does
not.  The unsupported extensions were removed.

NOTE: This is a candidate for the 7.10 and 7.11 branches.

Reviewed-by: Ian Romanick <ian.d.romanick at>
Signed-off-by: Ian Romanick <ian.d.romanick at>


 src/glsl/glsl_parser_extras.cpp |  284 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 1 files changed, 213 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/glsl/glsl_parser_extras.cpp b/src/glsl/glsl_parser_extras.cpp
index 3dffb33..ee122c0 100644
--- a/src/glsl/glsl_parser_extras.cpp
+++ b/src/glsl/glsl_parser_extras.cpp
@@ -165,95 +165,237 @@ _mesa_glsl_warning(const YYLTYPE *locp, _mesa_glsl_parse_state *state,
+ * Enum representing the possible behaviors that can be specified in
+ * an #extension directive.
+ */
+enum ext_behavior {
+   extension_disable,
+   extension_enable,
+   extension_require,
+   extension_warn
+ * Element type for _mesa_glsl_supported_extensions
+ */
+struct _mesa_glsl_extension {
+   /**
+    * Name of the extension when referred to in a GLSL extension
+    * statement
+    */
+   const char *name;
+   /** True if this extension is available to vertex shaders */
+   bool avail_in_VS;
+   /** True if this extension is available to geometry shaders */
+   bool avail_in_GS;
+   /** True if this extension is available to fragment shaders */
+   bool avail_in_FS;
+   /** True if this extension is available to desktop GL shaders */
+   bool avail_in_GL;
+   /** True if this extension is available to GLES shaders */
+   bool avail_in_ES;
+   /**
+    * Flag in the gl_extensions struct indicating whether this
+    * extension is supported by the driver, or
+    * &gl_extensions::dummy_true if supported by all drivers.
+    *
+    * Note: the type (GLboolean gl_extensions::*) is a "pointer to
+    * member" type, the type-safe alternative to the "offsetof" macro.
+    * In a nutshell:
+    *
+    * - foo bar::* p declares p to be an "offset" to a field of type
+    *   foo that exists within struct bar
+    * - &bar::baz computes the "offset" of field baz within struct bar
+    * - x.*p accesses the field of x that exists at "offset" p
+    * - x->*p is equivalent to (*x).*p
+    */
+   const GLboolean gl_extensions::* supported_flag;
+   /**
+    * Flag in the _mesa_glsl_parse_state struct that should be set
+    * when this extension is enabled.
+    *
+    * See note in _mesa_glsl_extension::supported_flag about "pointer
+    * to member" types.
+    */
+   bool _mesa_glsl_parse_state::* enable_flag;
+   /**
+    * Flag in the _mesa_glsl_parse_state struct that should be set
+    * when the shader requests "warn" behavior for this extension.
+    *
+    * See note in _mesa_glsl_extension::supported_flag about "pointer
+    * to member" types.
+    */
+   bool _mesa_glsl_parse_state::* warn_flag;
+   bool compatible_with_state(const _mesa_glsl_parse_state *state) const;
+   void set_flags(_mesa_glsl_parse_state *state, ext_behavior behavior) const;
+#define EXT(NAME, VS, GS, FS, GL, ES, SUPPORTED_FLAG)                   \
+   { "GL_" #NAME, VS, GS, FS, GL, ES, &gl_extensions::SUPPORTED_FLAG,   \
+         &_mesa_glsl_parse_state::NAME##_enable,                        \
+         &_mesa_glsl_parse_state::NAME##_warn }
+ * Table of extensions that can be enabled/disabled within a shader,
+ * and the conditions under which they are supported.
+ */
+static const _mesa_glsl_extension _mesa_glsl_supported_extensions[] = {
+   /*                                  target availability  API availability */
+   /* name                             VS     GS     FS     GL     ES         supported flag */
+   EXT(ARB_draw_buffers,               false, false, true,  true,  false,     dummy_true),
+   EXT(ARB_explicit_attrib_location,   true,  false, true,  true,  false,     ARB_explicit_attrib_location),
+   EXT(ARB_fragment_coord_conventions, true,  false, true,  true,  false,     ARB_fragment_coord_conventions),
+   EXT(ARB_texture_rectangle,          true,  false, true,  true,  false,     dummy_true),
+   EXT(EXT_texture_array,              true,  false, true,  true,  false,     EXT_texture_array),
+   EXT(ARB_shader_stencil_export,      false, false, true,  true,  false,     ARB_shader_stencil_export),
+#undef EXT
+ * Determine whether a given extension is compatible with the target,
+ * API, and extension information in the current parser state.
+ */
+bool _mesa_glsl_extension::compatible_with_state(const _mesa_glsl_parse_state *
+                                                 state) const
+   /* Check that this extension matches the type of shader we are
+    * compiling to.
+    */
+   switch (state->target) {
+   case vertex_shader:
+      if (!this->avail_in_VS) {
+         return false;
+      }
+      break;
+   case geometry_shader:
+      if (!this->avail_in_GS) {
+         return false;
+      }
+      break;
+   case fragment_shader:
+      if (!this->avail_in_FS) {
+         return false;
+      }
+      break;
+   default:
+      assert (!"Unrecognized shader target");
+      return false;
+   }
+   /* Check that this extension matches whether we are compiling
+    * for desktop GL or GLES.
+    */
+   if (state->es_shader) {
+      if (!this->avail_in_ES) return false;
+   } else {
+      if (!this->avail_in_GL) return false;
+   }
+   /* Check that this extension is supported by the OpenGL
+    * implementation.
+    *
+    * Note: the ->* operator indexes into state->extensions by the
+    * offset this->supported_flag.  See
+    * _mesa_glsl_extension::supported_flag for more info.
+    */
+   return state->extensions->*(this->supported_flag);
+ * Set the appropriate flags in the parser state to establish the
+ * given behavior for this extension.
+ */
+void _mesa_glsl_extension::set_flags(_mesa_glsl_parse_state *state,
+                                     ext_behavior behavior) const
+   /* Note: the ->* operator indexes into state by the
+    * offsets this->enable_flag and this->warn_flag.  See
+    * _mesa_glsl_extension::supported_flag for more info.
+    */
+   state->*(this->enable_flag) = (behavior != extension_disable);
+   state->*(this->warn_flag)   = (behavior == extension_warn);
+ * Find an extension by name in _mesa_glsl_supported_extensions.  If
+ * the name is not found, return NULL.
+ */
+static const _mesa_glsl_extension *find_extension(const char *name)
+   for (unsigned i = 0; i < Elements(_mesa_glsl_supported_extensions); ++i) {
+      if (strcmp(name, _mesa_glsl_supported_extensions[i].name) == 0) {
+         return &_mesa_glsl_supported_extensions[i];
+      }
+   }
+   return NULL;
 _mesa_glsl_process_extension(const char *name, YYLTYPE *name_locp,
-			     const char *behavior, YYLTYPE *behavior_locp,
+			     const char *behavior_string, YYLTYPE *behavior_locp,
 			     _mesa_glsl_parse_state *state)
-   enum {
-      extension_disable,
-      extension_enable,
-      extension_require,
-      extension_warn
-   } ext_mode;
-   if (strcmp(behavior, "warn") == 0) {
-      ext_mode = extension_warn;
-   } else if (strcmp(behavior, "require") == 0) {
-      ext_mode = extension_require;
-   } else if (strcmp(behavior, "enable") == 0) {
-      ext_mode = extension_enable;
-   } else if (strcmp(behavior, "disable") == 0) {
-      ext_mode = extension_disable;
+   ext_behavior behavior;
+   if (strcmp(behavior_string, "warn") == 0) {
+      behavior = extension_warn;
+   } else if (strcmp(behavior_string, "require") == 0) {
+      behavior = extension_require;
+   } else if (strcmp(behavior_string, "enable") == 0) {
+      behavior = extension_enable;
+   } else if (strcmp(behavior_string, "disable") == 0) {
+      behavior = extension_disable;
    } else {
       _mesa_glsl_error(behavior_locp, state,
 		       "Unknown extension behavior `%s'",
-		       behavior);
+		       behavior_string);
       return false;
-   bool unsupported = false;
    if (strcmp(name, "all") == 0) {
-      if ((ext_mode == extension_enable) || (ext_mode == extension_require)) {
+      if ((behavior == extension_enable) || (behavior == extension_require)) {
 	 _mesa_glsl_error(name_locp, state, "Cannot %s all extensions",
-			  (ext_mode == extension_enable)
+			  (behavior == extension_enable)
 			  ? "enable" : "require");
 	 return false;
-      }
-   } else if (strcmp(name, "GL_ARB_draw_buffers") == 0) {
-      /* This extension is only supported in fragment shaders.
-       */
-      if (state->target != fragment_shader) {
-	 unsupported = true;
-      } else {
-	 state->ARB_draw_buffers_enable = (ext_mode != extension_disable);
-	 state->ARB_draw_buffers_warn = (ext_mode == extension_warn);
-      }
-   } else if (strcmp(name, "GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location") == 0) {
-      state->ARB_explicit_attrib_location_enable =
-	 (ext_mode != extension_disable);
-      state->ARB_explicit_attrib_location_warn =
-	 (ext_mode == extension_warn);
-      unsupported = !state->extensions->ARB_explicit_attrib_location;
-   } else if (strcmp(name, "GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions") == 0) {
-      state->ARB_fragment_coord_conventions_enable =
-	 (ext_mode != extension_disable);
-      state->ARB_fragment_coord_conventions_warn =
-	 (ext_mode == extension_warn);
-      unsupported = !state->extensions->ARB_fragment_coord_conventions;
-   } else if (strcmp(name, "GL_ARB_texture_rectangle") == 0) {
-      state->ARB_texture_rectangle_enable = (ext_mode != extension_disable);
-      state->ARB_texture_rectangle_warn = (ext_mode == extension_warn);
-   } else if (strcmp(name, "GL_EXT_texture_array") == 0) {
-      state->EXT_texture_array_enable = (ext_mode != extension_disable);
-      state->EXT_texture_array_warn = (ext_mode == extension_warn);
-      unsupported = !state->extensions->EXT_texture_array;
-   } else if (strcmp(name, "GL_ARB_shader_stencil_export") == 0) {
-      if (state->target != fragment_shader) {
-	 unsupported = true;
       } else {
-	 state->ARB_shader_stencil_export_enable = (ext_mode != extension_disable);
-	 state->ARB_shader_stencil_export_warn = (ext_mode == extension_warn);
-	 unsupported = !state->extensions->ARB_shader_stencil_export;
+         for (unsigned i = 0;
+              i < Elements(_mesa_glsl_supported_extensions); ++i) {
+            const _mesa_glsl_extension *extension
+               = &_mesa_glsl_supported_extensions[i];
+            if (extension->compatible_with_state(state)) {
+               _mesa_glsl_supported_extensions[i].set_flags(state, behavior);
+            }
+         }
    } else {
-      unsupported = true;
-   }
-   if (unsupported) {
-      static const char *const fmt = "extension `%s' unsupported in %s shader";
-      if (ext_mode == extension_require) {
-	 _mesa_glsl_error(name_locp, state, fmt,
-			  name, _mesa_glsl_shader_target_name(state->target));
-	 return false;
+      const _mesa_glsl_extension *extension = find_extension(name);
+      if (extension && extension->compatible_with_state(state)) {
+         extension->set_flags(state, behavior);
       } else {
-	 _mesa_glsl_warning(name_locp, state, fmt,
-			    name, _mesa_glsl_shader_target_name(state->target));
+         static const char *const fmt = "extension `%s' unsupported in %s shader";
+         if (behavior == extension_require) {
+            _mesa_glsl_error(name_locp, state, fmt,
+                             name, _mesa_glsl_shader_target_name(state->target));
+            return false;
+         } else {
+            _mesa_glsl_warning(name_locp, state, fmt,
+                               name, _mesa_glsl_shader_target_name(state->target));
+         }

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