Mesa (master): i965/fs: Fix the dummy fragment shader.

Kenneth Graunke kwg at
Sat Jan 17 22:21:42 UTC 2015

Module: Mesa
Branch: master
Commit: 461103ef64858e9d81073fad1bd8222b70b2754b

Author: Kenneth Graunke <kenneth at>
Date:   Sat Jan 17 01:01:35 2015 -0800

i965/fs: Fix the dummy fragment shader.

We hit an assertion that the destination of the FB write should not be
an immediate.  (I don't know what we were thinking.)  Use ARF null.

Trying to substitute real shaders with the dummy shader would crash
when trying to upload non-existent uniforms.  Say there are none.

It also wouldn't generate any code because we didn't compute the CFG,
and code generation now requires it.  Compute it.

Gen4-5 also require a message header to be present.

On Gen6+, there were assertion failures in SF/SBE state because
urb_setup was memset to 0 instad of -1, causing it to think there were
attributes when nothing was set up right.  Set to no attributes.

Finally, you have to ensure "Setup URB Entry Read Length" is non-zero
or you get GPU hangs, at least on Crestline.

It now works on at least Crestline and Haswell.

Signed-off-by: Kenneth Graunke <kenneth at>


 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs_visitor.cpp |   39 +++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs_visitor.cpp b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs_visitor.cpp
index 8aafbef..38cf29f 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs_visitor.cpp
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs_visitor.cpp
@@ -3098,16 +3098,41 @@ fs_visitor::emit_dummy_fs()
    int reg_width = dispatch_width / 8;
    /* Everyone's favorite color. */
-   emit(MOV(fs_reg(MRF, 2 + 0 * reg_width), fs_reg(1.0f)));
-   emit(MOV(fs_reg(MRF, 2 + 1 * reg_width), fs_reg(0.0f)));
-   emit(MOV(fs_reg(MRF, 2 + 2 * reg_width), fs_reg(1.0f)));
-   emit(MOV(fs_reg(MRF, 2 + 3 * reg_width), fs_reg(0.0f)));
+   const float color[4] = { 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 };
+   for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+      emit(MOV(fs_reg(MRF, 2 + i * reg_width, BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_F,
+                      dispatch_width), fs_reg(color[i])));
+   }
    fs_inst *write;
-   write = emit(FS_OPCODE_FB_WRITE, fs_reg(0), fs_reg(0));
-   write->base_mrf = 2;
-   write->mlen = 4 * reg_width;
+   write = emit(FS_OPCODE_FB_WRITE);
    write->eot = true;
+   if (brw->gen >= 6) {
+      write->base_mrf = 2;
+      write->mlen = 4 * reg_width;
+   } else {
+      write->header_present = true;
+      write->base_mrf = 0;
+      write->mlen = 2 + 4 * reg_width;
+   }
+   /* Tell the SF we don't have any inputs.  Gen4-5 require at least one
+    * varying to avoid GPU hangs, so set that.
+    */
+   brw_wm_prog_data *wm_prog_data = (brw_wm_prog_data *) this->prog_data;
+   wm_prog_data->num_varying_inputs = brw->gen < 6 ? 1 : 0;
+   memset(wm_prog_data->urb_setup, -1,
+          sizeof(wm_prog_data->urb_setup[0]) * VARYING_SLOT_MAX);
+   /* We don't have any uniforms. */
+   stage_prog_data->nr_params = 0;
+   stage_prog_data->nr_pull_params = 0;
+   stage_prog_data->curb_read_length = 0;
+   stage_prog_data->dispatch_grf_start_reg = 2;
+   wm_prog_data->dispatch_grf_start_reg_16 = 2;
+   grf_used = 1; /* Gen4-5 don't allow zero GRF blocks */
+   calculate_cfg();
 /* The register location here is relative to the start of the URB

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