No subject

Tue Dec 28 11:12:27 PST 2010

considered wrappers of libglapi.  They must be created from the same
source tree as libglapi is.  The reason for this is that the dispatch
offsets are re-assigned whenever GLAPI XMLs are changed.  Similarly,
when --enable-shared-glapi is specified, libGL is also considered a
wrapper of libglapi.

I would hope that --enable-shared-glapi is enabled everywhere and is
eventually removed.  But before that happens, it may be desirable to
have libGL export no more than OpenGL 1.2 plus GL_ARB_multitexture
functions.  These are the functions defined by OpenGL ABI for Linux
and that have fixed dispatch offsets.  With that, libGL and libglapi
need not have to be from the same source tree.

olv at

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