[Mesa-dev] EGL on Windows

Chia-I Wu olvaffe at gmail.com
Fri May 28 00:46:34 PDT 2010

Hi all,

I've got access to a Windows machine recently, and I've spent some time today
to add GDI backend to st/egl.  The code can be found at


The command options I use to build the DLLs are

  $ scons statetrackers=egl drivers=softpipe

The DLLs are able to run the "tiger" demo from the OpenVG reference
implementation (after fixing a bug in the demo) on Windows.

I will clean up the branch as I find the time.  It is mostly SConscript work.
The GDI backend itself is only slightly over 500 lines of code.

olv at LunarG.com

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