[Mesa-dev] per-vertex array max_index

Marek Olšák maraeo at gmail.com
Fri Apr 15 14:33:32 PDT 2011

Hi Brian,

The main reason for removal of pipe_vertex_buffer::max_index was its direct
dependence on pipe_draw_info. The vertex buffer field was directly computed
from the parameters of pipe_draw_info instead of being a completely
independent state. So we ended up doing this in st/mesa:


And this was completely impossible due to lack of info from GL when setting
vertex pointers:


Adding pipe_vertex_buffer::max_index back would be no different from putting
vertex buffers in pipe_draw_info, because there is a direct dependency
between them. In u_vbuf_mgr when draw_vbo is called, we try to guess the
index bounds the same way we do it for GL (simply because there is no other

Let's decompose the whole problem of computing max_index into several cases:

1) Is the vertex buffer a non-user buffer?
- If stride == 0, max_index = 1.
- Otherwise, max_index = (width0 - buffer_offset - src_offset) / stride - 1.

That should work for user vertex buffers too, but there is an alternative
way without having to use width0, it's what st/mesa is doing (though it
might be wrong for instanced arrays, I didn't check):

2) Is the vertex buffer a user buffer?
- If stride == 0, max_index = 1.
- If instance_divisor != 0, max_index = start_instance + instance_count - 1.
- If !indexed, max_index = start + count - 1.
- Otherwise, st/mesa must go through the index buffer and obtain max_index
from there (which it does).

There is no other way to compute max_index from the info we have from GL.

So that's all for the max_index issue.

On a slightly different note, we can't completely decouple the
set_vertex_buffer and draw_vbo calls due to some trickery in the vbo module,
so there is still a long way to go to make the two really independent of
each other, i.e. several glDrawElements calls shouldn't cause calling
set_vertex_buffer each time, but they sometimes do.


2011/4/15 Brian Paul <brianp at vmware.com>

> Hi Marek,
> Back on Jan 10 you removed the per-vertex array max_index field (commit
> cdca3c58aa2d9549f5188910e2a77b438516714f).  I believe this was a mistake.
> I noticed today that the piglit draw-instanced-divisor test is failing.  A
> bisection points to Jose's commit 17bbc1f0425b3768e26473eccea5f2570dcb26d3.
>  But that's a red herring. If I disable the SSE code paths, the regression
> goes back to the Jan 10 change.
> With the GL_ARB_instanced_arrays extension vertex array indexing changes
> quite a bit.  Specifically, some arrays (those with divisors != 0) are now
> indexed by instance ID, not the primitive's vertex index.  The
> draw_info::max_index field doesn't let us take this into account.  I believe
> that we really need a per-array max_index value.
> As an example, suppose we're drawing a star field with 1 million instanced
> stars, each star drawn as a 4-vertex quad.  We might use a vertex array
> indexed by the instance ID to color the stars.
> The draw call would look like:
> glDrawArraysInstanced(GL_QUADS, 0, 4, 1000*1000);
> In this case we'd have two vertex arrays.  The first array is the quad
> vertex positions with four elements.  The second array is the star colors
> with 1 million elements.  As it is now, we're setting draw_info::max_index =
> 4 and we errantly clamp the index into the second array to 4 instead of 1
> million.
> As a temporary work around we can disable clamping of array indexes for
> instance arrays.  But I think we need to revert the Jan 10 commit and then
> rework some of Jose's related changes.
> -Brian
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