[Mesa-dev] [PATCH 2/6] New unary opcodes for ARB_shader_bit_encoding support.

Kenneth Graunke kenneth at whitecape.org
Mon Apr 30 13:40:44 PDT 2012

On 04/30/2012 04:19 AM, Olivier Galibert wrote:
> The opcodes are bf2u, bf2i, bi2f and bu2f, with "b" meaning bitwise
> conversions.
> Signed-off-by: Olivier Galibert<galibert at pobox.com>

I can't say I'm crazy about the names bf2u, bf2i, bi2f, and bu2f.  It 
seems like something I could easily mistake for 'b2f', or might not 
understand at a glance.

What about calling them:
- ir_unop_bitcast_f2u
- ir_unop_bitcast_f2i
- ir_unop_bitcast_i2f
- ir_unop_bitcast_u2f

It's more wordy, but "bitcast" immediately jumps out at me and screams 
"this is a bit reinterpretation."  Apparently LLVM also uses that 

But it's just a preference.  Either way, patches 1-5 are:
Reviewed-by: Kenneth Graunke <kenneth at whitecape.org>

Once you drop all the Mesa IR stuff from patch 6, it boils down to a few 
lines in st_glsl_to_tgsi, which looks fine too.

Would you like to try and implement it in the i965 driver (FS - 
brw_fs_visitor.cpp and VS - brw_vec4_visitor.cpp)?  If not, I'd be glad to.

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