[Mesa-dev] [PATCH] loader: Allow a non-udev linux fallback

Kenneth Graunke kenneth at whitecape.org
Fri Jan 31 10:58:48 PST 2014

On 01/31/2014 03:14 AM, Lauri Kasanen wrote:
> It's important not to break existing uses. There is no need to require
> udev for 3d. This is an alternative to Stéphane Marchesin's patch
> "loader: Make drmGetVersion logic conditional on non-pci devices".
> Signed-off-by: Lauri Kasanen <cand at gmx.com>

I'm still fairly astounded that a Linux user who cares about 3D graphics
would not have udev.  Virtually every distribution has shipped it for
years.  X input hotplugging has used udev for ages (at least on Linux).
 Steam also uses udev.  It's a really common system dependency.

As far as I can tell, the "udev is part of systemd, so I won't touch it"
rationale is just FUD.  Yes, the udev sources were put in the systemd
git repository a while back, but that in no way means you need systemd.
 udev can still be built and used independently, and from what I've
heard, that will continue into the foreseeable future.  Gentoo ships
udev 208 without systemd, so it definitely can be done.

Other than that, the only other reason I've heard is "I don't want to
install a library", which IMO is pretty weak...


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